About Me

My photo
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I am a child, family, newborn, maternity and couples photographer in Calgary and surrounding area. I have the blog to keep everyone who I take photos for updated, as well as documenting some of my own life and family. I would love to hear from you! Contact me at rumorhasitphoto@me.com if you are interested in a photo session. Session fees start at $175. Click the above pink colored links to link to my facebook page and my website to take a look at some of my past work! PLEASE NOTE I HAVE REMOVED MY LINK TO MY WEBSITE AS I AM CURRENTLY RE-DOING IT. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO BROWSE MY BLOG AND "LIKE" MY FACEOOK PAGE TO SEE MY PAST AND ON GOING WORK! Thanks! I will hopefully have it up and running soon!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Displaying your photos - Part 2 - Calgary Child, Family & Maternity Photographer

I posted last week promising to show you some of the displays of photos that I have around my home. First rule is that you can't look at anything too closely as you may see a decent layer of dust covering anything shown here! No judging people! :-) Second I have talked a lot about sizes of photos and how 8 x 10 isn't all that big. They may not be all that big if used as a single photo behind a couch but 8 x 10's can be very useful, especially if used in displays of a number of photos at a time or on wall areas with limited space. You'll see in a couple different spots in my home I have used the 8 x 10's in multiples as well as with other sizes. I do have a couple spots where I have even some 4 x 6's on the wall with matting or as a collage. This can work as well, but I have to say that most of mine are on the list for a change out! I have tried to give you what the actual sizes are, and how they look in each given room to give a little context. I have indicated where the frames were from (when I knew), and who the photo was taken by. If I haven't indicated who it was, it was me!
The other thing I noticed when taking photos around my home other than noticing dust bunnies, was that I am in need of some newer photos of both girls on the walls! A lot of the ones up are either without Logan around, or of her as a newborn. The one's of Leyton in her room are when she was two! I just love them so much I have trouble picking new ones to replace them! My newest set above the couch and at the entrance with our family photos are new though, and are some of my most favourite photos to date, likely because they are almost the only photos of our whole family! Enjoy and please feel free to send me some comments or questions, I would love to hear from you!

Starting off in the Master bedroom

Then moving into Leyton's room

Bonus Room

Main Floor


These are just a few areas around my home where I have photos displayed, this place is an ongoing project, and with so many photos to choose from, its often hard to choose favourites! I'll keep you updated as progress happens!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carlee I am really impressed with your pics and how you frame them they are really nice. I wish I had more pictures of my babies! Back then we lined them up in the bright sun and wondered why they were all squinting! We should have went to a photographer,but that was out of the question! But one thing I do remember ....ALL MY BABIES WERE BEAUTIFUL!